Tracey Murray has been working alongside Craig A Murray for the past 28 years. Together they have been contracted by Governments, Universities and Corporations to develop world first technology and training programs. Their dog teams must pass Animal Ethics committees to ensure best practice for the welfare of the dogs that they train and work with.
Tracey completed a Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services and did a live in practicum at a Wolf Research Facility in the USA. Tracey has been travelling to Japan for the past 20 years to teach dog training, welfare, grooming, pet tech, zoo and veterinary students in 5 major cities under contract from a Japanese College Group. She has also travelled to the UK to lecture for an international conference and regularly speaks to industry groups within Australia.
In 2015 Tracey founded the Variety Therapy Dog Team in conjunction with Variety Queensland, the Children’s Charity where therapy visits are provided to special schools, aged care facilities, mental health units and other required events. That team had over 40 volunteers providing therapy visits but due to a lack of funding, it had to fold in 2018. She has now revamped a new and exciting Therapy Dog Team through their charity Empower Assistance Dogs where they run volunteers and their trained Therapy Dogs to provide services within the community but also fully trained Therapy Dogs that work within the school system. The Empower Therapy Dog Team provides therapy dog teams to schools, aged care facilities, hospitals, airports, dental and medical facilities, corporate functions and events and workplaces seeking better mental health for their workers.
Tracey also co-founded the not-for-profit charity Empower Assistance Dogs where they breed, raise and train service dogs for persons with disabilities. Empower Assistance Dogs were the first not-for-profit service dog provider that is government certified to train guide, hearing and assistance dogs.
Tracey’s work within the dog industry has seen her travel and work in most States of Australia, in New Zealand, Japan, the UK and Hawaii.

Tracey running the Craig A. Murray Obedience Instructors Course

Results, not excuses