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Graham Reading


  • Obedience Instructor - Coomera Sunday

  • Manners Class Instructor - Coomera

Graham with Tia and Freckle


Graham in the bite suit

Craig and I have been friends and training dogs together since 1986. I have been lucky enough to have been involved in many aspects of dog training since knowing Craig - everything from puppies, all levels of obedience, patrol dogs, some specialist dogs and dog behaviour.


I have helped Craig out with many lectures by assisting with demonstrations over the years. I currently work in the Vet Wholesale business which has allowed me to learn alot about the general health side of a dog but it takes up most of my time not allowing me to train as much as I would like to. I really enjoy helping other trainers to improve their skills.


I currently instruct the Coomera Sunday obedience classes. Please feel free to contact me if you would like more information on them. 

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